import { Component } from "./component.js";
import { Label } from "./label.js";
import { Style } from "./style.js";
import { VSlider } from "./vslider.js";
* Creates a input for entering color values, with a preview swatch. Now includes optional sliders for visually setting colors.
* <div><img src=""/></div>
* @example
* const panel = new Panel(document.body, 20, 20, 200, 200);
* new ColorPicker(panel, 20, 20, "Color", "#f00", event => console.log(;
* @extends Component
export class ColorPicker extends Component {
* Constructor
* @param {HTMLElement} parent - The element to add this color picker to.
* @param {number} x - The x position of the color picker. Default 0.
* @param {number} y - The y position of the color picker. Default 0.
* @param {string} label - The text shown in the text label of the color picker. Default empty string.
* @param {string} color - The initial color value of the color picker. Default #f00.
* @param {function} defaultHandler - A function that will handle the "change" event.
constructor(parent, x, y, label, color, defaultHandler) {
super(parent, x, y);
color = color || "#f00";
this._label = label || "";
this._labelPosition = ColorPicker.labelPosition;
this._color = this._correctColor(color);
this._color = this._cropColor(color);
this._useSliders = ColorPicker.useSliders;
this._width = 100;
this._height = 20;
this.addEventListener("change", defaultHandler);
// Core
_createChildren() {
this._input = this._createInput(this._wrapper, "MinimalColorPickerInput");
this._input.maxLength = 7;
this._input.value = this._color;
this._textLabel = new Label(this._wrapper, 0, -15, this._label);
this._sliderContainer = this._createDiv(this._wrapper, "MinimalColorPickerSliders");
this._redSlider = new VSlider(this._sliderContainer, 12, 20, "R", this.getRed(), 0, 255)
this._greenSlider = new VSlider(this._sliderContainer, 42, 20, "G", this.getGreen(), 0, 255)
this._blueSlider = new VSlider(this._sliderContainer, 72, 20, "B", this.getBlue(), 0, 255)
this._preview = this._createDiv(this._wrapper, "MinimalColorPickerPreview"); = this._color;
_createStyle() {
const style = document.createElement("style");
style.textContent = Style.colorpicker;
_createListeners() {
this._onFocus = this._onFocus.bind(this);
this._onInput = this._onInput.bind(this);
this._updateFromSliders = this._updateFromSliders.bind(this);
this._onKeyPress = this._onKeyPress.bind(this);
this._input.addEventListener("input", this._onInput);
this._input.addEventListener("focus", this._onFocus);
this.addEventListener("keydown", this._onKeyPress);
this.addEventListener("blur", () => this.showSliders(false));
// Handlers
_onInput() {
const color = this._correctColor(this._input.value);
this._input.value = color;
if ((color.length === 4 || color.length === 7) && this._color !== color) {
this._color = color; = this._color;
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("change", { detail: this._color }));
_onFocus() {
_updateFromSliders() {
const red = this._redSlider.value;
const green = this._greenSlider.value;
const blue = this._blueSlider.value;
this.setRGB(red, green, blue);
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("change", { detail: this._color }));
_onKeyPress(event) {
if (event.keyCode === 27) {
// escape
// Private
_correctColor(color) {
color = "#" + color.replace(/[^0-9a-fA-F]/g, "");
return color.toUpperCase();
_cropColor(color) {
if (color.length > 7) {
color = color.substring(0, 7);
return color;
_updateLabel() {
if (this._labelPosition === "left") {
this._textLabel.x = -this._textLabel.width - 5;
this._textLabel.y = (this._height - this._textLabel.height) / 2;
} else if (this._labelPosition === "right") {
this._textLabel.x = this._width + 5;
this._textLabel.y = (this._height - this._textLabel.height) / 2;
} else if (this._labelPosition === "top") {
this._textLabel.x = 0;
this._textLabel.y = -this._textLabel.height - 5;
} else {
this._textLabel.x = 0;
this._textLabel.y = this._height + 5;
_updateSliders() {
this._redSlider.value = this.getRed();
this._greenSlider.value = this.getGreen();
this._blueSlider.value = this.getBlue();
_updateSliderPosition() {
if (this._sliderPosition === "bottom") { = "25px";
} else if (this._sliderPosition === "top") { = "-155px";
// Public
* Adds a handler function for the "change" event on this color picker.
* @param {function} handler - A function that will handle the "change" event.
* @returns This instance, suitable for chaining.
addHandler(handler) {
this.addEventListener("change", handler);
return this;
* Automatically changes the value of a property on a target object with the main value of this component changes.
* @param {object} target - The target object to change.
* @param {string} prop - The string name of a property on the target object.
* @return This instance, suitable for chaining.
bind(target, prop) {
this.addEventListener("change", event => {
target[prop] = event.detail;
return this;
* Gets the blue channel of the current color value as a numerical value from 0 to 255.
getBlue() {
return this.getNumber() & 255;
* @returns the current color.
getColor() {
return this._color;
* Gets the green channel of the current color value as a numerical value from 0 to 255.
getGreen() {
return this.getNumber() >> 8 & 255;
* @returns the current label text.
getLabel() {
return this._label;
* Gets the current label position.
* @returns The position of the label.
getLabelPosition() {
return this._labelPosition;
* Gets the current value of this component as a single 24-bit number from 0 to 16777215 (0x000000 to 0xffffff).
* @returns {number} The numeric representation of this color picker's color.
getNumber() {
const c = this._color.substring(1);
if (c.length === 3) {
let r = c.charAt(0);
let g = c.charAt(1);
let b = c.charAt(2);
r += r;
g += g;
b += b;
return parseInt(r + g + b, 16);
return parseInt(c, 16);
* Gets the red channel of the current color value as a numerical value from 0 to 255.
getRed() {
return this.getNumber() >> 16;
* @returns the position of the sliders.
getSliderPosition() {
return this._sliderPosition;
* @returns Whether or not the color picker is set to use sliders.
getUseSliders() {
return this._useSliders;
* Sets the color value of this color picker. Valid inputs are three or six character strings containing hexadecimal digits (0-9 and upper or lower case A-F), optionally preceded by a "#" character.
* @param {string} color - The color to set.
* @returns This instance, suitable for chaining.
* @example
* colorpicker.setColor("#f9c");
* colorpicker.setColor("#F9C");
* colorpicker.setColor("f9c");
* colorpicker.setColor("F9C");
* colorpicker.setColor("#ff99cc");
* colorpicker.setColor("#FF99CC");
* colorpicker.setColor("ff99cc");
* colorpicker.setColor("FF99CC");
setColor(color) {
color = this._correctColor(color);
color = this._cropColor(color);
this._color = color;
this._input.value = color; = color;
return this;
setEnabled(enabled) {
if (this._enabled === enabled) {
return this;
this._textLabel.enabled = enabled;
this._input.disabled = !this._enabled;
if (this._enabled) {
this._preview.setAttribute("class", "MinimalColorPickerPreview");
this._input.addEventListener("input", this._onInput);
} else {
this._preview.setAttribute("class", "MinimalColorPickerPreviewDisabled");
this._input.removeEventListener("input", this._onInput);
return this;
* Sets the height of this component. In reality, this component is fixed size, so setting height or width has no effect.
setHeight() {
return this;
* Sets the label of this color picker.
* @param {string} label - The label to set on this color picker.
* @returns this instance, suitable for chaining.
setLabel(label) {
this._label = label;
this._textLabel.text = label;
return this;
* Sets the position of the text label.
* @param {string} position - The position to place the text label: "top" (default), "left" or "bottom".
* @returns this instance, suitable for chaining.
setLabelPosition(position) {
this._labelPosition = position;
return this;
* Sets the color value using a single 24-bit number.
* @param {number} num - The number to parse into a color value. This would usually be in decimal (e.g. 16777215) or hexadecimal (e.g. 0xffffff).
* @returns This instance, suitable for chaining.
setNumber(num) {
const red = num >> 16;
const green = num >> 8 & 255;
const blue = num & 255;
this.setRGB(red, green, blue);
return this;
* Sets the color value to a random RGB value.
* @returns This instance, suitable for chaining.
setRandom() {
this.setNumber(Math.random() * 0xffffff);
return this;
* Sets the color value using three values for red, green and blue.
* @param {number} r - The value of the red channel (0 - 255).
* @param {number} g - The value of the red channel (0 - 255).
* @param {number} b - The value of the red channel (0 - 255).
* @returns This instance, suitable for chaining.
setRGB(r, g, b) {
let red = r.toString(16);
let green = g.toString(16);
let blue = b.toString(16);
if (red.length === 1) {
red = "0" + red;
if (green.length === 1) {
green = "0" + green;
if (blue.length === 1) {
blue = "0" + blue;
if ( red.charAt(0) === red.charAt(1) && green.charAt(0) === green.charAt(1) && blue.charAt(0) === blue.charAt(1)) {
red = red.charAt(0);
green = green.charAt(0);
blue = blue.charAt(0);
this.setColor(red + green + blue);
return this;
* Gets and sets the position of the slider popup.
* @param {string} position - The position where the popup will open. Valid values are "bottom" (default) and "top".
* @returns This instance, suitable for chaining.
setSliderPosition(position) {
this._sliderPosition = position;
return this;
* Sets whether clicking into the input area will open up a pane with sliders for setting colors visually.
* @param {boolean} useSliders - Whether or not to use the slider ui.
* @returns This instance, suitable for chaining.
setUseSliders(useSliders) {
this._useSliders = useSliders;
return this;
* Sets the width of this component. In reality, this component is fixed size, so setting height or width has no effect.
setWidth() {
return this;
* Programatically show or hide the slider container for setting rgb values visually.
* @param {boolean} show - Whether to show or hide the sliders.
* @returns This instance, suitable for chaining.
showSliders(show) {
if (show && this._useSliders) {
this._initialZ =; = Style.popupZIndex; = "block";
} else { = this._initialZ; = "none";
return this;
// Getters/Setters
// alphabetical. getter first.
* Gets the red channel of the current color value as a numerical value from 0 to 255.
get red() {
return this.getRed();
* Gets the green channel of the current color value as a numerical value from 0 to 255.
get green() {
return this.getGreen();
* Gets the blue channel of the current color value as a numerical value from 0 to 255.
get blue() {
return this.getBlue();
* Sets and gets the color value of this color picker. Valid inputs are three or six character strings containing hexadecimal digits (0-9 and upper or lower case A-F), optionally preceded by a "#" character.
* @example
* colorpicker.color = "#f9c";
* colorpicker.color = "#F9C";
* colorpicker.color = "f9c";
* colorpicker.color = "F9C";
* colorpicker.color = "#ff99cc";
* colorpicker.color = "#FF99CC";
* colorpicker.color = "ff99cc";
* colorpicker.color = "FF99CC";
get color() {
return this.getColor();
set color(color) {
* Gets and sets the text of the color picker's label.
get label() {
return this.getLabel();
set label(label) {
* Gets and sets the position of the text label displayed on the color picker. Valid values are "top" (default), "left", "right" and "bottom".
get labelPosition() {
return this.getLabelPosition();
set labelPosition(pos) {
* Gets and sets the position of the slider popup. Valid values are "bottom" (default) and "top".
get sliderPosition() {
return this.getSliderPosition();
set sliderPosition(pos) {
* Gets and sets whether clicking into the input area will open up a pane with sliders for setting colors visually.
get useSliders() {
return this.getUseSliders();
set useSliders(useSliders) {
* Default labelPosition of all ColorPickers.
ColorPicker.labelPosition = "top";
* Default useSliders value of all ColorPickers.
ColorPicker.useSliders = true;
* Default sliderPosition of all ColorPickers.
ColorPicker.sliderPosition = "bottom";
customElements.define("minimal-colorpicker", ColorPicker);