
import { Component } from "./component.js";

 * A container that lays out its children in a horizontal row with a set spacing between each child.
 * <div><img src=""/></div>
 * @example
 * const panel = new Panel(document.body, 20, 20, 400, 200);
 * const hbox = new HBox(panel, 20, 20, 10);
 * new Button(hbox, 0, 0, "Button 1");
 * new Button(hbox, 0, 0, "Button 2");
 * new Button(hbox, 0, 0, "Button 3");
 * @extends Component
export class HBox extends Component {
   * Constructor
   * @param {HTMLElement} parent - The element to add this hbox to.
   * @param {number} x - The x position of the hbox. Default 0.
   * @param {number} y - The y position of the hbox. Default 0.
   * @param {number} spacing - The space to put in between each element in the box. Default 0.
  constructor(parent, x, y, spacing) {
    super(parent, x, y);
    this._spacing = spacing || 0;
    this._xpos = 0;
    this.setSize(0, 0);

  // Core

  _createChildren() {

  // Public

   * Adds empty space into the HBox.
   * @param {number} space - The space in pixels to add.
   * @returns This instance.
  addSpace(space) {
    const div = this._createDiv();
    div.x = 0;
    div.y = 0;
    div.width = space;
    div.height = 0;

   * Overrides the built in appendChild method of an HTMLElement to add some very simple horizontal layout to its children.
  appendChild(child) {
    if (this._xpos > 0) {
      this._xpos += this._spacing;
    child.x = this._xpos;
    this.setHeight(Math.max(this._height, child.y + child.height));
    this._xpos += child.width;
    return this;

   * @returns the spacing between items in this box. Setting this value will not change the layout of existing elements, but will affect the spacing of future elements added.
  getSpacing() {
    return this._spacing;

   * Performs a re-layout of the hbox.
  layout() {
    let height = 0;
    this._xpos = 0;
    for (let i = 0; i < this.children.length; i++) {
      const child = this.children[i];
      if (i > 0) {
        this._xpos += this.spacing;
      child.x = this._xpos;
      this._xpos += child.width;
      height = Math.max(height, child.y + child.height);

   * Sets the spacing between items in this box. Setting this value will not change the layout of existing elements, but will affect the spacing of future elements added.
   * @param {number} spacing - How much spacing to put between each element.
   * @returns This instance, suitable for chaining.
  setSpacing(spacing) {
    this._spacing = spacing;
    return this;

  // Getters/Setters

   * Gets and sets the spacing between items in this box. Setting this value will not change the layout of existing elements, but will affect the spacing of future elements added.
  get spacing() {
    return this.getSpacing();
  set spacing(spacing) {

customElements.define("minimal-hbox", HBox);